Illustration of pink flower with green leaves growing up through cracked pavement.

I Can Build a New Life

When I was in detention, I was hopeless and I couldn’t imagine any future for myself. Now that I have returned to work, after 8 years in detention, I am slowly coming back to realising that my body can be strong again, and that if I stay strong and refuse to ever give up, I can build a new life.

Green tent that is open on the sides. There are multiple benches on the ground underneath it.

Nauru Regional Processing Centre

In 2001, the Nauru Regional Processing Centre was opened in 2001 under Australian Prime Minister John Howard’s government. It was closed in 2008 but reopened in 2012 under Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s Labor government. Since 2013, over 1,000 asylum seekers have been imprisoned on Nauru. Conditions on Nauru have received international condemnation, as facilities on the impoverished island are not sufficient for the processing and resettlement of asylum seekers.

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