Illustration of a person in a white shirt and black pants with their leg and arm raised.

Self-Determination and Power Dynamics

Self-determination is important for those arriving from Manus and Nauru, who have not been able to make their own decisions and control their own lives for over 8 years. Even though settlement teams will give them the best information possible to make decisions, ultimately it is their right to make their own choices regarding their bodies, their healthcare, their education, their work and every facet of their lives.

Illustration of a woman sitting on the floor. She is bent over and holding her legs. A giant hand reaches out toward her.

How Can Settlement Teams Support a Newcomer’s Mental Health?

Newcomers arriving to Canada from PNG and Nauru have faced significant trauma during their period of prolonged detention. We expect that everyone who arrives will need mental health and trauma supports made available, whether it is to deal with the effects of long-term detention, the stresses of adjusting to a new culture, or the grief and loss of leaving friends behind who are still in detention.

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