A group of people face the camera. A woman in a hijab holds a sign that says "welcome to Canada". A child holds a welcome sign. They are surrounded by two other people.

What are my rights and responsibilities as a privately sponsored refugee to Canada?

Private sponsorship means that a Sponsorship Agreement Holder or a group of Canadians has agreed to submit an application for you to come to Canada. These groups have committed to provide you with financial and settlement support for the period of your settlement, which is typically one year after you arrive in Canada. During this period you have certain rights but also responsibilities.

Two hands hold aa cardboard sign with the words "Families belong together" written on it in black.

What is Family Reunification and the One Year Window (OYW) program?

If family members are not able to accompany the refugee when they come to Canada there may be the possibility for eligible family members to apply to Canada through the “One Year Window” provision. Eligible family members include a spouse or common-law partner (including same-sex partners) and any dependent children aged 22 or under at the time the application is submitted.

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