Illustration of a person in a white shirt and black pants with their leg and arm raised.

Self-Determination and Power Dynamics

Self-determination is important for those arriving from Manus and Nauru, who have not been able to make their own decisions and control their own lives for over 8 years. Even though settlement teams will give them the best information possible to make decisions, ultimately it is their right to make their own choices regarding their bodies, their healthcare, their education, their work and every facet of their lives.

A white sign with black words spelling "self care" with a black heart. On a pink background.

Caring for the Carers: Mental healthcare for settlement volunteers

When signing on as a refugee settlement volunteer, the need for self-care is a critical part of what we do. Without it, we risk not fulfilling our reasons for becoming a refugee sponsor, and not fulfilling our obligation to the refugee newcomer. The challenge is to balance the needs of ourselves and those we are helping, especially when our pitchers are running low.

A group of people face the camera. A woman in a hijab holds a sign that says "welcome to Canada". A child holds a welcome sign. They are surrounded by two other people.

What are my rights and responsibilities as a privately sponsored refugee to Canada?

Private sponsorship means that a Sponsorship Agreement Holder or a group of Canadians has agreed to submit an application for you to come to Canada. These groups have committed to provide you with financial and settlement support for the period of your settlement, which is typically one year after you arrive in Canada. During this period you have certain rights but also responsibilities.

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